1.24.2025 | Friday

square #8: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

category: 2025 Bookghan

title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
author: She Who Shall Not Be Named
genre: fantasy
rating: 5/5 stars

Disclaimer: I detest everything the author stands for, and I won’t ever again put money in her pocket. However, I already own these books, and I do love them separately and distinctly from her.

It was only on this granny that I realized that I’ve inadvertantly followed the same color pattern on every one I’ve done for this project. 1 round of color 1, 1 round of color 2, 2 rounds of color 3, 1 round of color 4. I didn’t mean for that to be a thing, but at this point, I guess it is!

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