title: Edgar Allan Cozy
author: various
genre: horror/mystery
rating: 5/5 stars
review: my book blog @ A Cuppa Books
pattern: Bursting Square
designer: Krista of This is Crochet
hook: G
-Lion Brand Feels Like Butta in yellow
-Lion Brand Feels Like Butta in dusty blue
-Lion Brand Heartland in great smoky mountains
size: 4×4
The book was fun, but I’m not fond of this square. The pattern is fine. It’s me. I’m the problem. For one thing, I grabbed the wrong hook. So the square came out too small. Easy fix, add a row or two of traditional granny stitches with some concessions to the stitch pattern of the OG pattern. I managed to screw that up, too, adding a chain too many in corner areas. Plus, although it’s harder to see here, the yellow I had was not the yellow of the book. Love the pattern, so I’ll redo it at some point.
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